This is a very important question that you need to answer. Is it enough to store up canned foods, bottle juices, and dry foods to prepare for the coming disasters?
To answer this question you would need to know something about good nutrition. I've studied nutrition and health for over 25 years, so I'd like to share with you some of the things I've learned that can help you make sure you're storing up the right kind of nutrient dense food and nutrition for a disaster or emergency.
Canned food is NOT nutritious or healthy for your body. It is loaded with sugars, salt, high fructose corn syrup, unhealthy preservatives, and "dead food." Canned food is NOT a good source of nutrition for you during a disaster or at any other time. Canned food is DEAD food and will leave you malnourished. It has been cooked or heated to a very high temperature during the pasteurization process, which means that any good nutrients have been killed by the heat.
What you need to eat during a disaster is live whole foods. You'll need to have access to grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, greens, vegetables, etc. However, you need to plan as if you will not have any access to live fresh fruits and vegetables from your own garden or from a supermarket. Nevertheless, your body still needs them, so where can you get them in a dehydrated form that has a long shelf-life so that you can store them up for an emergency or disaster?
Your BEST CHOICE is to store up on low-temperature dehydrated powdered super juices that are made with live whole food based nutrition from fresh fruits, berries, greens, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and sprouts - all with no pasteurization, no preservatives, or no synthetic isolated vitamins or inorganic minerals. In this posting I would like to teach you HOW TO CHOOSE A SUPER JUICE nutritional product from the marketplace.

There are sooooooo many products and companies out there now selling healthy nutritional products, supplements, and super juice. I'm sure you've heard of many of them such as Xango, Himalayan Goji, MonaVie, Noni-Juice, Juice Plus, Mango-Xan, Thai-Go, etc.
My friend, if you're trying to decide which product is best for you, I'd like to share with you some insight that could help you make the wisest decision.
The biggest nutritional problems I've found with most of these products and companies include the following 7 issues:
1. Most of them are selling a liquid "super juice" that has been pasteurized and treated with preservatives to keep the product from becoming moldy on the shelf. By law, the FDA requires all liquid "juice" products to be pasteurized, which means that the fruit and/or berry juice has been processed by heating it to high temperatures to kill all bacteria. The process of pasteurization not only kills all of the bad bacteria, but it also kills most of the good bacteria and good nutritional compounds found in the juice. The original raw fruit and/or berry (such as mangosteen, wolfberry-goji, noni fruit, acai berry, etc.)certainly has a lot of powerful nutritive compounds in it, including antioxidants, vitamins, phytonutrients, etc. However, after undergoing the intense heating involved in pasteurization, the value of those fruits and/or berries have been greatly diminished and destroyed.
Now, let me ask you a question. Do you really want to be drinking a liquid super juice product that has been pasteurized with high heat, that has lost most of its nutritional value, and that has added chemical preservatives? I DON't.
2. Most liquid "super juices" sell you their product in a flashy heavy glass bottle that makes it look very appealing, but is very expensive to ship. However, the down side of this is that if you become a distributor for that product, you will end up having to pay a considerable amount on shipping and handling fees because, as everyone knows, glass is very heavy and expensive to ship. Can you imagine ordering a whole case and the exhorbinant cost of shipping? Even if the company doesn't use glass bottles, and instead uses plastic bottles, every one knows that shipping a heavy liquid product is much more expensive than shipping a light powdered product. Question: Do you really want to be buying and shipping heavy liquid products all over the country? Someone's going to be paying for that expensive shipping - either you or your poor customers.
3. Most liquid "super juices" are centered around one dominant super fruit or super berry. For example, whole companies have been built around noni fruit, or goji juice, or mangosteen, or acai berry. Granted, each one of these are truly "super" fruits or berries, but one super fruit/berry can't possibly have all of the 1,000s of nutritive compounds that a person needs in their diet. Yes, it's a great fruit or berry, but it's not enough. It's just one good food element. What about the many others that we need? Some of these companies have realized this point, and they have recently added additional fruits and/or berries to their formulas for this very reason. Now, instead of having just one "super" fruit or berry, they added 3 or 5 or 9 more to give them a more balanced and rounded product. Good for them, but it's still not enough. Question: Would you prefer getting the nutritional health benefits of 15 or 30 fruits and berries, or benefit only from 5 or 9? How important to you is variety and diversity in your super juice?
4. Most liquid "super juices" offer their customers a daily serving size of only 2 fluid ounces. In other words, a bottle of their super juice is a month's supply, and the daily serving size is only 1 fluid ounce. In my opinion, that is a very very tiny serving size that can't possibly have very much nutritional value over the course of a whole day. Question: Wouldn't you prefer having a daily serving size of 6-8 fluid ounces of your super juice? Wouldn't you feel like you were getting more nutrition from 6-8 ounces versus 1 ounce?
5. Most liquid "super juices" have compromised on the quality of their ingredients. As you're doing your research on various products and companies, make sure that they use all natural live whole food ingredients that are certified organic and/or are free of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Also, make sure that they use NO PRESERVATIVES, NO FILLERS, NO EXCIPIENTS, NO ADDITIVES, NO DAIRY, NO GMO (genetically modified foods), NO PASTEURIZATION, and NO IRRADIATION. When it comes to your buying and consuming a super juice product, it's extremely important to make sure that you know what you're getting and where you're getting it from. You need to know what's in it and how it was processed. Ask lots of questions until you uncover the truth and the facts. Question: What's really in the product you're buying and drinking? Do you know all the ingredient and quality facts?
6. Some liquid "super juices" use processed sugars and/or artificial sweeteners that are unhealthy and cause all kinds of health problems. I was shocked to find that one very popular company puts high fructose corn syrup in their children's products. The only sweeteners that should be used in a super juice are raw honey, stevia, agave nectar, and naturally sweet fruit juices. Some of these companies actually put cheap "fillers" in their products in order to save money, resulting in the customer getting an inferior and less healthy product, so beware. Question: Are there artificial sweeteners and fillers in your super juice?
7. Most "super juices" only include fruits and/or berries, with very few if any vegetables and greens. Why is this? I don't know, but I can't see any reason for it. Question: Wouldn't you prefer getting fruits, berries, vegetables, and greens all mixed in your super juice for you and your children's nutritional health if it tasted good?
FOLLOW UP: In my next posting, I will be sharing with you more on this topic of dehydrated low-temperature dried super juice powders. I will share with you what I believe the BEST CHOICE is for you and your family. SO...keep checking back for my next posting.
Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.
Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do not need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you're prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next. BE PREPARED!
Thanks for visiting this resource blog on emergency disaster preparedness with survival dehydrated food meal pack supplies.
We provide disaster nutrition expert advice and resources on food storage, long shelf-life food, organic whole food nutrition, food packs, healthy MREs, and disaster meals.
We are committed to helping you get prepared for natural disasters, emergencies, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornados, fires, volcanos, tsunamis, storm surge, mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, terrorist attacks, quarantine, civil unrest, martial law, war, and transportation disruption of food and supplies.
Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"
Josiah Friberg, Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Nutrition Expert