The Biggest Myth of All Disaster Myths is this:
If there was one very clear lesson that we should have all learned from the Hurricane Katrina disaster, it was that you shouldn't depend on the government to rescue you from trouble when a disaster strikes.
Putting your trust and hope in your government to rescue you is dangerous and could cost you your life and the lives of your family.
I remember watching Hurricane Katrina from my cozy home in southern California while the disaster unfolded. I sat in shock as I saw the city of New Orleans flooded with water and people scrambling up onto their roofs to survive. What was most shocking to me was how long it took for government help to get to the families that were stranded on their rooftops and surrounded by the flood waters. I started counting the days and couldn't believe that three or four or five days had already elapsed without help. Then I saw a few brave souls in small boats going out looking for the living and helping to rescue them. I thought to myself that if I had had a boat, I would have headed for New Orleans and tried to rescue some of the people still stranded on their roofs without food and water to drink.
I just couldn't understand why these stranded people were not getting helped by the government or by hardly anyone else. I wanted to reach out and help but I couldn't from so far away. When I saw all the people stranded at the stadium, I felt the same way.

All of this caused me to evaluate how UNPREPARED we were as a nation, as a government, and as a people for major disasters. We simply were NOT prepared and did NOT act in time.
FEMA proved to be an empty hope for thousands of stranded and dying citizens. The government response was burdened down with mismanagement, red tape, confusion, and disorientation. Instead of a quick and effective disaster response, America watched as local, state, and federal government leaders did nothing, wrestled with authority issues, and blamed one another for inaction.
Fortunately, ordinary people from Christian churches and ministries were prepared to a certain degree and moved into action right away. After studying what really happened, it appears that the most responsive and fast acting people in the whole crisis were Christian churches that mobilized their members to go to the Gulf area and help with the disaster recovery process and the relocation of hundreds of thousands of Katrina survivors.
Let me make an important statement right here on this important issue:
The Christian church in America has always been better prepared and equipped to help the poor and to help people recover from devestating disasters than the U.S. government, FEMA, and state and local governments. If you do your research, you'll find tons of Christian non-profit organizations, churches, and ministries, that are dedicated to helping people get through emergencies and disasters. One example of this is Samaritan's Purse. These churches and ministries supply everything from food, water, clothing, blankets, medicine, medical care, counseling, pastoral care, reading material, sanitation facilities, shower and laundry facilities, etc. The reason the church is better equipped to help disaster survivors is because it is a part of the heavenly calling of the church to do so. It is one of their purposes here on the earth, so there is a special ability from God for the church to help people in this way.
I hope that you have learned the critically important truth that you should NOT depend upon the US government or FEMA to rescue you and help you during and after a major disaster. If you do, you will be greatly disappointed, let down, and angry, if you are still alive, that is.

Where does that leave you? It means that YOU and you alone must take responsibility to protect your life and the lives of your family and neighbors by taking the necessary steps to preparing NOW for future emergencies and disasters. NOW is the time to get prepared! Don't put it off another week. Start today to make a plan to gather the necessary resources, supplies, survival food, etc. that you will need to have stored close by for disasters that are sure to come. Stop believing the disaster myth that the government will be there to help you or to resuce you. It won't!
Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.
Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next. BE PREPARED!
Thanks for visiting this resource blog on emergency disaster preparedness with survival dehydrated food meal pack supplies. We provide disaster nutrition expert advice and resources on food storage, long shelf-life food, organic whole food nutrition, food packs, healthy MREs, disaster meals, and keeping your immune system strong through live whole food nutrition.
We are committed to helping you get prepared for the bird flu, avian flu, H5N1, epedemics, pandemics, mass vaccinations, natural disasters, emergencies, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornados, fires, volcanos, tsunamis, storm surge, mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, terrorist attacks, quarantine, civil unrest, martial law, war, and transportation disruption of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.
Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"
Josiah Friberg, Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Nutrition Expert
Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.
Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next. BE PREPARED!
Thanks for visiting this resource blog on emergency disaster preparedness with survival dehydrated food meal pack supplies. We provide disaster nutrition expert advice and resources on food storage, long shelf-life food, organic whole food nutrition, food packs, healthy MREs, disaster meals, and keeping your immune system strong through live whole food nutrition.
We are committed to helping you get prepared for the bird flu, avian flu, H5N1, epedemics, pandemics, mass vaccinations, natural disasters, emergencies, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornados, fires, volcanos, tsunamis, storm surge, mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, terrorist attacks, quarantine, civil unrest, martial law, war, and transportation disruption of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.
Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"
Josiah Friberg, Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Nutrition Expert