dear friends,
I'd like to share a cool video today with you that a friend of mine made.
His name is Ken Youngquist, and he's quite the survivalist.
He also just started his own website which you might consider earmarking as one of your "favorites" and go back to it from time to time as a resource.
I've seen Ken in action and know that he has a lot to share with others that can help them survive in the wild and off the land.
This is his first posted video at Metacafe,
so please take a few seconds to watch it and then rate it if you don't mind.
"Make Fire Using Empty Flintwheel Lighter" - is the title and subject of this
Click here for video: Make Fire with Empty Lighter
By the way, I've also listed his website in my "links" section
so that you can revisit it whenever you're here at my blog.
God bless you...
Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.
Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next. BE PREPARED!
Thanks for visiting this resource blog on emergency disaster preparedness with survival dehydrated food meal pack supplies. We provide resources on disaster nutrition, food storage, long shelf-life food, organic whole food nutrition, food packs, healthy MREs, disaster meals, and keeping your immune system strong through live whole food nutrition.
We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get prepared for the bird flu, avian flu, H5N1, epedemics, pandemics, mass vaccinations, natural disasters, emergencies, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornados, fires, volcanos, tsunamis, storm surge, mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, terrorist attacks, quarantine, civil unrest, martial law, war, and transportation disruption of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.
Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"
Josiah Friberg, Disaster Preparedness & Nutrition Resources Guide