Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fuel Preparation - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Nutrition Survival Food Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit


These are some very practical things that you can do on a daily or weekly basis in order to STAY PREPARED for times of emergency.

#1. Always Keep Your Gas Tank Above the Half Full Mark

I confess that I'm notorious for letting my gas tank get all the way to empty and even below the empty mark. I often let the warning light come on and then continue to drive for another 20-45 miles. I realize now that this is a very bad habit and not good for my engine. In addition, when an emergency arises, I will not be prepared for it.

Why is it important to keep your gas tank on the full side? The reason is that when a disaster strikes, the gas in your tank could become extremely valuable to you. You may need it to drive your family out of a dangerous area that is threatened by hurricanes or tornados, or you may need it to run your car for a week or two if the local or state government shut down gas stations or enforce a quarantine in your area.

#2. Always keep your heating oil tank and/or your propane gas tank at least half full.

If you do this, you will be much more able to endure a long power outage when freezing weather could be a threat to your life. During winter blizzards, ice storms, hurricanes, etc., the power can be out for days or even weeks. It's always wise to have extra heating fuel or gas on hand to live through those long cold days and nights when no service truck is even able to reach your house.

#3. Always keep the propane tank to your gas barbecue at least half full. We did this when we lived in California under the constant danger of earthquakes. Having an outdoor gas barbecue is a good back up way to cook your food if the electricity goes out for an extended time or if the gas is shut off because of the danger of fire after an earthquake.

#4. Always store plenty of fresh drinking water for yourself and your family. Water is probably the most important and most valuable asset you will have during and after a disaster. Safe healthy drinking water is the most important as you and your family will need to drink it. You'll also need plenty of water for cooking, cleaning, and washing purposes. See one of my earlier postings on the best kinds of containers to store your water in safely.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared. BE PREPARED!

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Friday, February 22, 2008

What Is Survival - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Survival Food Nutrition Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit


A friend of mine, Ken Youngquist,
recently started his own website called: "SurvivalTek"

Ken is a survivalist and has some great resources on his website.

Below is one of his entries that I thought you'd benefit from reading.

26 Nov 2007 Entry

"Survival means different things to different people. Some folks these days envision hardship ahead, perhaps economic ruin. When they think of survival, it is more akin to homesteading, or off-the-grid living. My focus is "how to stay alive when stranded" along with "how to use the resources on hand".

There is an often taught guideline that goes like this: we are limited to 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 30 days without food. In cases of extreme cold we might speak in terms of hours. These guidelines help us prioritize our actions.

Escape would be the number one priority in a life threatening situation such as being involved in a plane crash or burning vehicle. Protect yourself from further danger and move to a safe area. Treat any severe injuries that were sustained. After that, finding shelter is extremely important, especially if you are in a remote area or if inclement conditions exist. You will want to think about signaling methods to solicit help or rescue. Making a fire can provide a source for signaling, warmth, and cooking. Not as immediately necessary is finding water for hydration. Once you have stabilized your conditions you can take time to assess your situation and take stock of your resources. In the short term, food can be more of a luxury than a necessity.

Every situation is unique, but knowing the priorities puts us in the best possible position."

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared. BE PREPARED!

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Long Power Outages - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Nutrition Survival Food Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit


Every year people have to deal with power outages as a result of snow storms, tornados, hurricanes, blizzards, ice storms, earthquakes, etc.

If the power is out for only a few hours or part of a day, it's not a very big deal.

However, it is a big deal if it goes out for more than a day during extreme weather conditions such as cold or heat. If you have a lot of food stored away in your freezer, power outages can also cause you to lose your frozen food.

Are you prepared to live for 3 days or 7 days without power?

If not, you should consider getting a gasoline or kerosene generator that you can use to provide electricity to your house. Another option is to have propane gas on hand and have gas appliances. A third option is to at least have a wood stove stored away, along with some firewood to use to heat your home in the case of a major power outage.

These are just a few options for you to consider. It is something that you need to think about beforehand, so I encourage you to do some research now and make provision for this very probable emergency situation.

NOW is the time: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared.

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Monday, February 18, 2008

Strong Immune System - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Nutrition Survival Food Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit

Food for Thought that Could Save Your Life One Day Soon

If you're not taking care of your body today, in terms of what you are feeding it and in terms of exercise, what chance does your body have when a disaster or emergency strikes?

In other words, emergencies and disasters bring with them a lot of extra stress to your mind and to your body. Disasters are emotionally overwhelming because they suddenly and often without warning, alter or shatter our lives and daily routines. All of this puts an enormous amount of STRESS upon your mind, your emotions, and your physical body.

In order for your body to handle that stress, as well as your mind and emotions, you need to be prepared by cultivating a strong healthy body now based on optimal nutrition and plenty of exercise.

Think about it for a minute. How does a government prepare its citizen to deal with the incredible stresses of battle and war? They don't just draft a bunch of men and send them off to war. No, they first send them to basic training or "boot camp" in order to get them physically and mentally prepared for battle. In boot camp they shed excess weight, build strong muscles, get in top physical and mental shape, so that when they are eventually sent into battle, they are ready and their bodies and minds can handle the incredible stress that they will encounter and live under.

You and I need to think the same way about preparing for disasters. We need to enlist in the disaster preparedness army now, put ourselves through our own "boot camp" of health and nutrition training and physcial fitness, so that we are prepared physically and mentally to not only survive the coming disasters, but also overcome through them and be able to help a lot of other people who weren't prepared or who are weaker.

NOW is the time to get prepared. NOW is the time to change your diet. NOW is the time to start eating healthy nutrition. NOW is the time to claim health as your inheritance and create for yourself and your family a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. NOW is the time to get into shape and to stay in shape. NOW is the time to forsake the life of the "couch potato" and embrace the life of the disciplined new army recruit.

If you don't prepare NOW, then you won't be prepared when the disaster strikes. There will be no time to prepare once the crises hits. If you don't prepare NOW, your body will not be able to handle the stress and you will probably get very sick because your immunity level will be very weak from your undisciplined, unnutritious, and unhealthy lifestyle. You NEED to build a healthy immune system NOW. It doesn't just happen to you by itself; you have to work at it and feed your body what it really needs to be healthy and to fight off infection, illnesses, germs, viruses, etc.

DO NOT DELAY any longer! NOW IS THE TIME to prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Now is the time to build a strong healthy immune system by feeding your body all of the good organic whole food nutrition that you can put into it.

NOW is the time: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared.

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Store 3 Food Groups - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Nutrition Survival Food Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit

What kind of nutritious food
should I be storing up for emergency disasters?


You should focus on storing up healthy food from three basic whole food groups.

According to Dr. Paavo Airola, world-renown nutritionist, the optimum diet for superior health should be made up primarily of three basic
groups. These foods are universally adaptable and will supply adequate amounts of all the nutrients required for the maintenance of optimum health, including high-quality proteins in sufficient amounts. It is important to and create your daily menu from foods of these three food groups that are indigenous to your area and grown locally (on organic farms whenever possible). Make sure that your diet is composed of a variety of fresh whole foods from these three food groups.

#1. Grains, Legumes, Beans, Seeds, and Nuts - This is the most important and potent health-building food group of all. The
of these foods is unsurpassed because they contain the secret of life itself - the germ! The germ is the reproductive power and spark of life in all seeds, and it is essential to life, health, and reproductive ability. This food group contains all of the essential nutrients for human growth and maintenance of health. Even though all grains and seeds are beneficial, it is best to predominantly eat those that your ancestors ate and those that are grown locally.

Contrary to what you may have heard, buckwheat, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts all contain complete proteins, which are comparable in biological quality value to animal proteins. This food group is also the best natural source of essential unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary to maintain health. The vitamin content (especially vitamin E and the B-complex vitamins) of this food group is unsurpassed. Grains, nuts, and seeds are also a treasure chest of minerals and trace elements. Minerals also help balance the body chemistry, especially regarding alkalinity and acidity. This group also contains pacifarins, which increase the body's natural resistance to physical ailments. And finally, whole grains, legumes, beans, and seeds provide the body with necessary fiber and roughage content. This is critical to avoiding all kinds of colon and intestinal tract problems that currently plague our nation as a result of refined and processed foods.

The best grains to eat are buckwheat, oats, millet, and brown rice. Most other grains are beneficial, but be careful with wheat because it is one of the most common allergens today. These grains can be eaten daily in the form of cereal, porridge, breads, pancakes, soups, etc. or sprouted. Cooking grains or sprouting them actually helps release the vital minerals by breaking down the mineral-phytin bond so that minerals can be assimilated in the intestinal tract. The best seeds are flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Beware of sunflower seeds because they are extremely vulnerable to rancidity. The best nuts are almonds and hazelnuts. Do NOT buy roasted nuts and seeds because the high heat renders them carcinogenic. Always and only eat fresh raw nuts and seeds, including raw almond butter and raw peanut butter.

#2. Vegetables - This is the next most important food group to incorporate into your daily diet. Vegetables are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Most green leafy vegetables also contain the highest quality complete proteins. Some vegetables, such as green beans, squash, yams, and potatoes, should be steamed or baked. However, most vegetables should be eaten RAW in the form of a daily salad. A few exceptions would be spinach and chard, which contain too much toxic oxalic acid, and asparagus. Cabbage-family vegetables should be either cooked or prepared in lactic-acid-fermented form. Garlic and onions are powerful health-promoting vegetables and should be part of your diet. Other excellent vegetables are Jerusalem artichokes, horse radish, black radish, celery root, and parsley. Be sure to also include root vegetables in your diet such as carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, parsnips, and yams. Potatoes are extremely nutritious and are best baked or steamed. Keep in mind that potatoes must be kept in dark storage because a highly toxic chemical, solanine, develops when they are exposed to light. Also, be sure to remove the "eyes" (sprouts) of the potato before cooking.

#3. Fruits - Fruits are a powerful source of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, as well as easily digestible fruit sugars. In addition, they are an excellent cleansing food for breakfast, and they can be eaten between meals, but not with meals. It is best to eat fruits RAW, fresh, and in season, because they lose their vitamin content quickly. It is also beneficial to eat sun-dried fruits, but they must be unsulfured and preferably organically grown. Avoid all dried fruits with sulfur preservatives. The best sun-dried fruits to eat are raisins, figs, apricots, and currants. Now, two cautions about eating fruit: eat fruit in moderation and eat fruit on an empty stomach, by itself. Eating too much fruit will put too much sugar into your blood stream, and eating fruit with other foods will cause them to putrefy in your system and lead to poor digestion.


The first group of grains, legumes, beans, seeds, and nuts can be easily stored in glass jars or metal containers. The grains and legumes can be easily cooked in water. The beans and seeds can be sprouted and then eaten raw. And raw nuts and seeds can be eaten as they are.

Question: How do I best store up on fruits and vegetables which are so important?
Answer: There are several things you can do to store up fruits and vegetables.

First, you can store up sun dried or dehydrated fruits and vegetables in glass jars or vacuum sealed in plastic bags. These will provide you with a lot of nutrition and take no cooking, and they are naturally preserved by being properly dehydrated. Remember to avoid buying "sulpher preserved" dry fruit.

Second, you can keep a supply of several bags of potatoes and other root vegetables in a dark cool place. Just remember to periodically replace them (maybe every 4 months for potatoes and yams and every 6 months for squash). It's surprising how long potatoes, yams, and squash will keep if they are stored properly. I would suggest storing some potatoes, sweet potatoes, various kinds of squash, and yams. All of these can be cooked during a disaster by wrapping them in foil and putting them near a fire to bake.

Third, if you have the space and time, grow produce in your own garden. Be sure to plant plenty of root vegetables, along with other nutritious greens. If you have food in the ground, you'll be better prepared to survive a disaster.

Fourth, make or buy some healthy organic pickled vegetables or lactic acid fermented foods such as sauerkraut which are very healthy for you. Fermented cabbage is very nutritious and can be stored in glass jars for easy use.

Fifth, there is one other way to store up nutritious fruits and vegetables that I'd like to recommend. Find yourself a product like The Feast, by Uri International, that uses an InstaFresh low heat dehydrating proprietary process to take fresh and mostly organic high quality fruits and vegetables, turn them into a juice, and then in 30 seconds, turns them into an InstaFresh juice powder without ever going over 98 degrees. These live whole food based InstaFresh juice powders preserve the nutritional properties of the fresh produce without preservatives and without pasteurization. They have a shelf stability and long-term shelf-life of two years. In addition, it takes less than 30 seconds to mix them with water and drink them, and they actually taste great! Believe me, my kids love them and yours will too. The nutritional value of these InstaFresh juice powders is unsurpassed by anything else in the marketplace.

Here are several of Uri's live whole food based InstaFresh juice powders to consider.

"The Feast" contains 70+ live nutrient dense concentrates from fresh live whole foods, including 30 antioxidant rich fruits & berries, 30 powerful greens and vegetables, 11 nutrient dense seeds, nuts, and sprouts, 83+ active enzymes & fulvic mineral blend, and 22 resilient living probiotics. It is literally the most powerful, nutrient dense live whole food nutritional product on the market today. It provides a quality, quantity, and variety of ingredients that is superior to sythetic, pasteurized, or preserved liquid and powder supplements. The proprietary low-temperature drying process concentrates live whole foods and fresh, raw juices into nutrient dense, great tasting, juice powders for the ultimate in all natural convenient nutrition.

"Beyond Berries" is a supreme blend of nature's most nutrient rich fruits and berries. It contains 15 antioxidant rich fruits and berries, 11 active enzymes & fulvic mineral blend, and 22 resilient living probiotics. It has a typical ORAC value (antioxidant value) of 4,140 per serving. It also includes such super fruits and berries as noni fruit, mangosteen, wolfberry-goji, acai berry, blueberry, pomegranate, cranberry, and 8 others. One jar makes approx. 180 fluid ounces of juice.

"Multi Meal" is a nutrient packed high-quality meal replacement that provides protein, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in sufficient quantities. All you have to do is just add water, mix, and drink, and it comes in three delicious flavors - chocolate, vanilla, and orange. Multi Meal provides 20 grams of protein per serving.

In order to meet your nutritional needs during a time of disaster, I would strongly recommend storing up some of these long-term shelf-life Uri International live whole food based InstaFresh juice powders for you and your family. I consider them the most nutrient dense low heat dehydrated survival food available on the market, and I wouldn't be caught without them. All you'll need to do is to remember to store plenty of water and have some mixer cups to shake them up in.

Simply try these live whole food based InstaFresh juice powders for 90 days, and Uri is so sure you'll be absolutely convinced they are the most powerful and effective nutritional products you have ever tried, that they back it up with their ironclad, risk free 90-day money-back guarantee! If you're not 100% satisfied for any reason, you will be refunded 100% of the purchase price. Experience the results for yourself. There is absolutely no risk whatsoever on your part. Quite simply, the products prove themselves!

If you'd like more information on these incredibly healthy juice powders, check out the following two websites:

URI Live Whole Food Based InstaFresh Juice Powders -

URI Nutritional Products

Daily Quote: "There is a great deal of truth in the saying that man becomes what he eats. Healthy foods = healthy body. Unhealthy foods = unhealthy body." - Gandhi

NOW is the time: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared.

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Monday, February 11, 2008

Making A Fire - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Survival Food Nutrition Dehydrated Meals MRE Packs Supplies Kits

dear friends,

I'd like to share a cool video today with you that a friend of mine made.
His name is Ken Youngquist, and he's quite the survivalist.

He also just started his own website which you might consider earmarking as one of your "favorites" and go back to it from time to time as a resource.


I've seen Ken in action and know that he has a lot to share with others that can help them survive in the wild and off the land.

This is his first posted video at Metacafe,
so please take a few seconds to watch it and then rate it if you don't mind.
"Make Fire Using Empty Flintwheel Lighter" - is the title and subject of this

Click here for video: Make Fire with Empty Lighter

By the way, I've also listed his website in my "links" section
so that you can revisit it whenever you're here at my blog.

God bless you...

Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next. BE PREPARED!

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Friday, February 8, 2008

Healthy Water Storage - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Nutrition Survival Food Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit

Health Question:
What kind of plastic bottles or containers

are best to store your drinking water in
for the next emergency or disaster?

My wife and I drink a lot of natural spring water every day. I'm sure you can imagine, as a result we go through a lot of water every week.

We get out drinking water from a friend's well, so once a week we have to drive over there and fill up our water bottles. In the beginning, we were reusing the light weight thin plastic bottles that we bought at Walmart with bottled water. Then we also started reusing the thicker Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice bottles. Finally, we got tired of filling up so many bottles, so we started using a large 5-gallon hard plastic bottle that you get when you sign up for home delivered bottled water.

Along this water bottle journey, I kept hearing bits and pieces about the dangers of and how certain toxic substances in the plastic will actually leach into the water itself causing various types of health problems.

Today I decided to do some research on this plastic bottle issue and I discovered some very helpful information that I'd like to share with you. There's quite a bit of information out there based on various scientific studies. However, I'm going to cut to the chase and only share the most critical information. In other words, I'm going to share with you which
to use and which to avoid.

One of the most important things for you and your family to store up for an emergency or disaster is good quality spring water. Equally important is the kind of container you use to store your water in.


Most of these plastics come with a number and a name and an abbreviation for the name because they're difficult to say and to spell.

BEWARE of #7 POLYCARBONATE (Lexan) plastic bottles (including sippy cups and baby bottles). For a while people thought these bottles were safe, but recent research has proven that this plastic leaches Bisphenol A (BPA), which causes various health problems.

BEWARE of #1 PET (polyethylenene terephthalate) plastic bottles. Very unhealthy.

BEWARE of #3 PVC (polyvinyl chloride; aka vinyl) plastic bottles. Very unhealthy.

BEWARE of #6 POLYSTYRENE plastic bottles. You don't want this in contact with your water, drinks, or food. Very unhealthy.


#5 PP - PolyPropylene.

#2 HDPE - High Density Polyethylene

#4 LDPE - Low Density Polyethylene

You can go on line and do a search for companies that make water bottles with these safe materials.


GLASS - Is a very healthy and safe material for storing your water in. Just make sure you don't take it with you when you travel for obvious reasons.

STAINLESS STEEL - This is another good option, especially for traveling, camping, biking, skiing, etc. I would recommend a product I found called Klean Kanteen.

Finally, when buying water storage containers, be sure to buy bottles that have wide mouth openings so that you can do a much better job cleaning them periodically. When you have a bottle with a narrow opening, it's nearly impossible to clean it thoroughly, and you end up with bacteria growing inside the container that you can't get rid of.

I encourage you to shop on-line for the best quality water storage containers to store your natural spring water in for that eventual emergency or disaster. Avoid the wrong kinds of plastic and look for the best kind that don't leach BPA into your water. Surprisingly, many health food stores still carry the unhealthy kinds of plastic bottles such as polycarbonate.

Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next.

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on
with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Biggest Myth of All - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Survival Food Nutrition Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit

The Biggest Myth of All Disaster Myths is this:


If there was one very clear lesson that we should have all learned from the disaster, it was that you shouldn't depend on the government to rescue you from trouble when a disaster strikes.

Putting your trust and hope in your government to rescue you is dangerous and could cost you your life and the lives of your family.

I remember watching Hurricane Katrina from my cozy home in southern California while the disaster unfolded. I sat in shock as I saw the city of New Orleans flooded with water and people scrambling up onto their roofs to survive. What was most shocking to me was how long it took for government help to get to the families that were stranded on their rooftops and surrounded by the flood waters. I started counting the days and couldn't believe that three or four or five days had already elapsed without help. Then I saw a few brave souls in small boats going out looking for the living and helping to rescue them. I thought to myself that if I had had a boat, I would have headed for New Orleans and tried to rescue some of the people still stranded on their roofs without food and water to drink.

I just couldn't understand why these stranded people were not getting helped by the government or by hardly anyone else. I wanted to reach out and help but I couldn't from so far away. When I saw all the people stranded at the stadium, I felt the same way.

All of this caused me to evaluate how UNPREPARED we were as a nation, as a government, and as a people for major disasters. We simply were NOT prepared and did NOT act in time.

FEMA proved to be an empty hope for thousands of stranded and dying citizens. The government response was burdened down with mismanagement, red tape, confusion, and disorientation. Instead of a quick and effective disaster response, America watched as local, state, and federal government leaders did nothing, wrestled with authority issues, and blamed one another for inaction.

Fortunately, ordinary people from Christian churches and ministries were prepared to a certain degree and moved into action right away. After studying what really happened, it appears that the most responsive and fast acting people in the whole crisis were Christian churches that mobilized their members to go to the Gulf area and help with the disaster recovery process and the relocation of hundreds of thousands of .

Let me make an important statement right here on this important issue:

The Christian church in America has always been better prepared and equipped to help the poor and to help people recover from devestating disasters than the U.S. government, , and state and local governments. If you do your research, you'll find tons of Christian non-profit organizations, churches, and ministries, that are dedicated to helping people get through emergencies and disasters. One example of this is . These churches and ministries supply everything from food, water, clothing, blankets, medicine, medical care, counseling, pastoral care, reading material, sanitation facilities, shower and laundry facilities, etc. The reason the church is better equipped to help disaster survivors is because it is a part of the heavenly calling of the church to do so. It is one of their purposes here on the earth, so there is a special ability from God for the church to help people in this way.

I hope that you have learned the critically important truth that you should NOT depend upon the US government or FEMA to rescue you and help you during and after a major disaster. If you do, you will be greatly disappointed, let down, and angry, if you are still alive, that is.

Where does that leave you? It means that YOU and you alone must take responsibility to protect your life and the lives of your family and neighbors by taking the necessary steps to preparing NOW for future emergencies and disasters. NOW is the time to get prepared! Don't put it off another week. Start today to make a plan to gather the necessary resources, supplies, survival food, etc. that you will need to have stored close by for disasters that are sure to come. Stop believing the that the government will be there to help you or to resuce you. It won't!

Remember: the secret to surviving disasters is BEING PREPARED beforehand! Not next week, not next month, not next year, not when you have time, not when you think something bad is going to happen - but NOW.

Keep checking back with my postings as I will be providing you with a lot of more useful information and resources to help you get prepared now for the inevitable disasters on the horizon. You do NOT need to live in fear and anxiety - IF you are prepared to survive and overcome through whatever disasters strike next. BE PREPARED!

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on with . We provide advice and on , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to helping you get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg, and