Friday, April 18, 2008

Watch the Future of Food - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Survival Food Nutrition Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies

in AMERICA and in the World

This is a shocking eye-opening video expose
of the true condition of America's food supply
at this critical time in our history.

Do you know what's happening to our food supply?

Are you aware that
what is being done to our food supply
will affect you and your health and the
healthy of your family?

Do you know what you can do
to protect yourself and the health of your family?

For the sake of your children,
take the time to watch this true video message
about America's food supply.


Thanks for visiting this resource blog on with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Preserving Food - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Survival Food Nutrition Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit


When you look at all of the ways companies use to "preserve" food today, you quickly realize that many of these ways of preserving food actually "kills" the nutrients in the food itself making the product a "dead" product.

For example, any time you cook a food at temperatures over 100 degrees F, you end up killing most of the enzymes and nutrients. This is one reason why canned food and pasteurized drinks and products are not a good choice if you're concerned about nutrition and your health. Sure, it's cheap and easy to store, but it's anything but healthy. It's been cooked to death and then loaded up with preservatives, salt, sugar, etc. to make it last longer on the shelf. You really don't want to store up a bunch of lifeless cans of soup and vegetables because they won't provide you any nutrition during times of disaster.

Stay away from food that has been "pasteurized" because it has been heated to such a high temperature that no only has all the bacteria been killed, but also all of the good bacteria and the vitamins and enzymes have all but been destroyed.

You'll also want to stay away from any food that has been "irradiated." This is a very unhealthy process by which food is exposed to ionizing radiation in order to kill bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, and insects that might be present in the food. The problem is that it also kills all the good bacteria in the food, the good microorganisms, and affects the food itself in a very negative way.

Another factor involved in preserving food is how long a food is subjected to heat or drying. The longer the process, the more the nutritional integrity of the food is compromised and destroyed.

FACT: The more you dry a product, the more stable and less susceptible it is to nutritional loss.


I would like to introduce you to a new Revolutionary InstaFresh Drying Process that was developed by David Uri LeBaron.

This proprietary drying process takes newly harvested organic and naturally grown fruits, vegetables, greens, berries, nuts, seeds, and sprouts,

and makes them into whole food purees and freshly-pressed 34 degree F liquid juice.

Then the InstaFresh low temperature drying process turns this juice into a concentrated dry powder within 30 seconds with temperatures that average 65 degrees F and that never exceed 98 degrees F. This ensures the whole food powders retain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, live enzymes, amino acids, and phytonutrients as nature intended - all within hours of harvest.

The RESULT? A unique, concentrated whole food-based InstaFresh juice powder that locks in the nutritional value of these fresh, delicious fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. This unique, nutrient dense, whole food powder is easily digested and assimilated by the body. In order to consume these powders, all you have to do is to mix them with water (or juice) and drink them.

The company that invented this proprietary drying process is URI International, and the flagship product of this company is called, "THE FEAST." It contains 30 antioxidant rich fruits and berries, 30 powerful greens and vegetables, 11 nutrient dense seeds, nuts, and sprouts; 72+ fulvic minerals and 9+ active plant-based enzymes, and 22 resilient living probiotics.

If you would like more information about this unique, revolutionary, cutting edge drying process and delivery system, click on one of the links below.

Real Nutrition News

Do You Care About What You Eat? - Powerpoint Presentation

URI Product & Drying Process Presentation

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Grocery Store Junk Minerals - Emergency Disaster Preparedness Survival Food Nutrition Dehydrated Meal MRE Pack Supplies Kit

Let me begin by apologizing for not posting any new content for quite a while. The truth is that I've been moving my family into a new home and have been super busy getting all the moving done, the new home prepared, the old rental house cleaned, etc. Today is one of the first days that I feel like I actually have time to work on adding new content to my blog. Thank you for your patience and for not giving up on this important emergency disaster preparedness blog or website.



Most minerals supplements found in grocery stores are made from isolated or inorganic minerals. These types of minerals are not water soluble and are difficult for your body to absorb. According to experts, your body can assimilate NO MORE THAN EIGHT PERCENT of inorganic minerals you consume from these supplements. Just 8%! [Info. from TRC Nutritional Laboratories,]

The best way to get the minerals you need each day is from plant-derived hydrophilic minerals. These minerals are 200 to 2,000 times smaller than inorganic minerals, plus they're water soluble and more easily digested by your body. In fact, almost 100 percent of a hydrophilic mineral can be absorbed by your body and made available for use.

The key phrase here is "plant derived" or "plant based." Yes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and the thousands of naturally occurring nutrients found in plants, fruits and vegetables give you better nutrition than isolated synthetic vitamins - almost 100 percent. And as you'll see, The Feast [by Uri International] makes it easy for you to get this superior form of nutrition each and every day.

The above information was taken from a new and respected publication called Special 2008 Issue, Volume 1.

Thanks for visiting this resource blog on with . We provide on , , , , , , , and keeping your strong through live whole food nutrition.

We are committed to providing you with helpful resources so that you can get
for the , , , , , , , emergencies, , , , , fires, volcanos, , , mud slides, droughts, ice storms, volcanos, , , , , , and of food and supplies. Don't rely on FEMA and the CDC.

Our Motto: "Be Prepared to Survive and Overcome Disasters"

Josiah Friberg,